Zaremba, Lauren
Ms. Zaremba
Students that are in my In-Class Resource (ICR) Groups please follow the schedule from your Homeroom Teacher. Mrs. Nagy's (Math/Science) and Mrs. Grignolo's (ELA/Writing) Google Classrooms are where you will sign in and do all of your work.
My Teacher page will provide extra support. On my Teacher Page you will find videos and tools that will provide extra help and support. All your assignments will need to be submitted to Mrs. Nagy and Mrs. grignolo. I will be able to see all of your work and assist you through their pages, but my page can be used for additional tools and help.
Please Email me for any help you will need I am available the entire "virtual school " Day Hours. I am here to give you any tools, modifications, accommodations, and additional learning materials you may need. I will be checking my Google classroom and Email for all questions or discussions.
Please reach out we can read and review material together. Study new material. Ask any questions you may have.
My page also has the CLEVER Link!
ALL INFO on Bitmoji Classroom