Student Attendance
State law requires that all children from six to sixteen years of age must attend school regularly. Regular attendance is an integral factor in attaining success in school. However, a child should not come to school feeling ill. The school must be notified if a student will be absent for any period of time. If your child is absent because of a communicable disease or infection, please notify the school nurse as soon as possible. If the absence is for an extended period due to illness, a doctor’s statement should be sent to the school. Please telephone (732) 761-2212 for FLC or (732)-761-2124 for Park Avenue to report absences at any time prior to the beginning of the school day and leave a detailed message on the answering machine.
According to the New Jersey School Register, students can only be identified as:
Excused for religious holiday
Home Instruction
** All absences are unexcused with the exception of religious holidays. However, we do require you to send a note explaining the reason for the absence. We use the notes for our own record keeping assisting us in making decisions on such things as promotion/retention, or whether to take legal action.
Excessive unexcused absences from school could result in a court action against the student and parents. According to the school laws of New Jersey all absences are unexcused except religious holidays as prescribed by N.J.S.A. 18A:3616.
Student attendance will be monitored closely to ensure they have the opportunity to succeed in school. We will adhere to the attendance procedures listed below:
First reminder letter at 5 tardies/5 absences.
Second reminder letter at 10 tardies/10 absences and meeting with the Principal
Third and final notification letter at 15 tardies/15 absences and an official complaint will be filed in order to comply with the State law.
Family Vacations
We understand that there will be times when family vacations can only be scheduled while school is in session due to the nature of the parent/guardian’s occupation; however, we strongly prefer children not to miss school for vacations if they can be scheduled during their school breaks. Days missed due to family vacation are UNEXCUSED and will be included in days missed. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school of unexcused absences and the student’s to complete missed work. Teachers are not required to prepare special lessons prior to the vacation. After the absence the school staff will provide basic information regarding missed assignments. The student will receive an incomplete score if missed work is not submitted to their teacher.
Extended Student Absences
Students that are absent for more than 10 Consecutive days will be de-registered. If student returns to school then he/she will have to be re-registered. Proof of school during that absence may be sought. Students that miss too much work and do not show enough progress of material and skill mastery may be asked to repeat the grade.
Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals
Late arrivals and early dismissals are as disruptive to the educational process as absenteeism. It is the responsibility of each student to arrive in school on time (8:40 am). . In the cases when the excessive tardiness is the fault of the parent and not the child, a court complaint may be signed against the parent. ALL STUDENTS arriving later than 8:40 am must be issued a late pass from the main office. Please note that parents/guardians picking up their children are required to provide proper ID to office staff.