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Park Avenue Elementary

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School Hours & Times

School Hours

PAE school hours are from 8:35 am until 3:10 pm.   

The breakfast program begins at 8:00 am in the cafeteria for grades 3-5. 

PAE (Grades 3-5) Regular School Hours:

Start Time: 8:35am

Dismissal: 3:10pm

PAE (Grades 3-5) Early Dismissal Hours:  

Start Time: 8:35am

Dismissal: 12:50pm

PAE (Grades 3-5) Delayed Opening Hours:  

Start Time: 10:35am

Dismissal: 3:10pm


Students Left at School

Students are expected to be picked up on time every day, at 3:10 pm.  Students will not be permitted to wait outside by themselves for safety reasons.  In severe cases, such as if a child is not picked up after 30 minutes, and no call is received from home explaining the situation, the local police will be notified to locate the parent or guardian.  Please contact the main office in case of emergencies to let us know you are running late. Any changes in dismissal need to be reported to the main office in the form of a letter or email prior to 12:00 PM.  Phone calls will not be accepted.